
Articles and white papers

Results from methane controlled release testing

Read about our recent controlled release testing of the Airdar technology from C-FER Technologies. This testing was funded through the Alberta Methane Emissions Program (AMEP).

Taking the “fugitive” out of fugitive emissions

Airdar removes the uncertainty around all emissions with our patented analysis. See our article published in the Fugitive Emissions Journal.

Case Study, Article

Characterizing emissions using patterns in data

Powerful information about emissions at a site can be derived from ambient air concentration measurements. Read our article published in the Fugitive Emissions Journal.

Addressing odours using continuous monitoring

Airdar helps the City of Calgary solve decades-old odour mystery. This story was published in the Municipal Sewer & Water magazine.

Case Study, Article

Using intelligent continuous monitoring to detect oil leaks

Airdar partnered with C-FER Technologies to perform testing of its oil leak detection system. Results are available in this final report from C-FER.